
how To Hide A Hangover

hide hangover-headache

HIDE HANGOVER: For those of you wondering what HANGOVER stands for:                                                                                          A hangover is the feeling of overwhelmed illness after drinking too much alcohol. It is a collection of signs and symptoms linked to a recent bout of heavy drinking. And FYI a person with a hangover typically experiences a headache, feels sick, dizzy, sleepy, confused, and thirsty.

Many followers requested us to write an article about cosmetic treatments of hangover for it is now a serious issue for today’s youth. Here are some basic cosmetic products everyone can reach out easily which helps for hiding hangover and any other embarrassing facial spots.

How To Hide A Hangover Easily And Efficiently:

1. Moisturizer

When hangover, your skin is extra dehydrated and can end up looking gray. A good moisturizer on daily basis increases hydration in your skin, prevents flaking and dullness, and creates a protective layer of moisture that lasts all day. Throw on some mascara after moisturizing.

2. Conceal and Highlight

As known as concealers are similar to foundations but thicker which is best for hiding dark spots, bruises, large pores, pigments, and dark circles around eyes. Use a warm concealer under your eyes and as well as your nose. After concealing highlight.

3. Blush

We put on blush on our cheek bones to look cuter and make our make up look fresher as well as brighten up our whole make up and give a youthful face. Add blush to the apples of your cheeks. Cream blush is best for it blends well and prevents dehydration specially on dry skins. Avoid powder since your skin will be dehydrated.

& If It’s Really Bad…

If all these tricks seem melodramatic or time wasting you can simply put on a sunglasses and cover the crackhead looking face. So wear sunglasses and a bold lip. A lip liner will help your lipstick stay put all day.                                                                  Now go and seize the day. 🙂


Also Read: Skin Care Hacks                                                                                                                                                                                                    Hangover Signs

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